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Motivational Interviewing for
Vaccine Hesitancy

A Training Module for Health Care Providers

Medical Information

Step One

Complete the pre-assessment. 


This 10-question assessment should take approximately 10 minutes. Please complete it in one sitting. To be eligible for CME or CPE credit, you must complete the pre-assessment. 


Step Two

Watch the Avatar Training Videos Below

and Take Each Quiz


Each video is approximately 10 minutes long. Please watch them in order as the concepts build off of each other. To be eligible for CME or CPE credit, you must complete ALL video quizzes. 

Video 1: Spirit of Motivational Interviewing

In this video, you'll learn about the Spirit of Motivational Interviewing, the Righting Reflex, and an example of what these look like in practice. 

Test Your Knowledge

After you have watched video 1, please complete this assessment.

Video 2: Elicit-Provide-Elicit (EPE)

In this video, you'll learn about EPE and an example of what this looks like in practice. 

Test Your Knowledge

After you have watched video 2, please complete this assessment.

Video 3: Change Talk & Scaling Questions

In this video, you'll learn about Change Talk and the use of Scaling Questions. You'll be given examples of what this looks like in practice. 

Test Your Knowledge

After you have watched video 3, please complete this assessment.

Video 4: Best First Responses to Zingers

In this video, we'll provide some best first responses to challenging statements that you may hear from your patients who show vaccine hesitancy.

Proceed to Step 3

After you have watched all the videos and completed all prior quizzes, move on to the final step:

Complete the post-assessment to claim your CME or CPE credit. 

Doctor High Five

Step 3

Complete the post-assessment. 


This 10-question assessment should take approximately 10 minutes. Please complete it in one sitting. To be eligible for CME or CPE credit, you must complete the post-assessment.

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